Saturday, September 18, 2010

Who am I this week?

“Identity.” Now, what the hell does that word mean, anymore?  Is “Identity” who we are? What we do? Can your identity change over time? Maybe crazy stuff happens in your life (it sure has in mine)that bring you a new identity? And, can you outgrow your sense of identity if it  cramps you? Then, love it, if it fulfills you? Is identity the way you see yourself? Or is it the way others see you?

Hey...I'm blond…Let’s see what the Merriam-Webster Dictionary has to say. (And, by the way, when did this “Merriam” get into the act? When I was growin’ up, it was just plain ol’ “Webster.”) OK…

a sameness in all that constitutes the objective reality of a thing : as in oneness

Well, that tells me nothing…my “objective reality” is in a constant state of flux these days…besides …do we  really know this “Merriam” person? Let’s check the Oxford English Dictionary.

Identitywho a person is, or the qualities of a person or group which make them different from others:

Well…that’s a little better
Wow… you want to hear something interesting? Guess what the next word in both dictionaries is?

Identity crisis
a state of confusion in an institution or organization regarding its nature or direction.

You got that right! So, my identity,  by Bobbi Jo Lathan: I am an actress. I’ve acted on Broadway, off-Broadway, in Las Vegas and in various regional theaters across our great country. I’ve done network television, a couple of national commercials and a few feature films. Then, came the divorce. And since my ex-husband was my manager…this brought me to my next identity. I am now an author. I wrote my own musical. A Food Musical, to be exact. Then, to go with that musical, as a promotional item, I wrote my very own cookbook …and my own cooking DVD. I’ve also written lyrics to songs. Love songs. I love, love songs. Oh, and food songs, too. I wrote this funny song about corn for my musical…oh…sorry… where was I? I’ve also been a teacher. Taught Middle School when I got out of college. And recently… needing to pay my AT&T bill, I saw this ad in the paper and began teaching adults from foreign countries how to speak English. So, when you hear that Iranian gal speaking with a Southern accent at Macys cosmetics counter…you’ll know she was a student of mine.

Then, I figured, “Well, shoot, Bobbi Jo. You’re a published author…You could teach cooking classes in several venues!” So, I did! … Then the transmission in my car went out.  And I came up with the idea to teach classes at various colleges on how to create your own cookbook. And, by doing all of the above, I guess I’ve taught myself that… I have something of value to teach…and one way or the other, the rent can get paid. 

The other seemingly less creative identities I have assumed over the last year in this insane economy (And I say, “seemingly less creative” because I suppose when it gets down to it, I have learned valuable lessons from them all)...and I say "insane" because we seem to be in some state of mutation in this country...  are, bartender, hostess, salesclerk, jewelry merchandiser, cookware demonstrator, private chef, auto dealer receptionist, voice-over artist and twirling instructor. OK. That was a rather brief identity. It is rather amazing how creative you can get when you need to keep a roof over your head.

You know what? It occurs to me that maybe it’s time to drop Mz. Merriam-Webster and Mister Oxford a note…for I believe their definitions are totally out-of-order. I think “Identity crisis” should come first in the dictionary, because it’s the crisis that seems to bring about one’s new identity.  And, now, to compound things… some new identity seems to be emerging from within me that some how wants to define itself by including all my other identities?

Well, until I can scour ol’ “Merriam” and find that she has a better word to “identify”this mutated me, I think I’ll just call myself… the “ Part-Time American.”